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Chartered Market Technician (CMT): Level 1

Reading List – Fall 2015



Market Technicians Association Up-to-date Level 1 Reading list: http://docs.mta.org/cmt/reading/cmt-level1-reading.pdf

Kirkpatrick, Charles D. and Dahlquist, Julie, R.: Technical Analysis: The Complete Resource for Financial Market Technicians 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, Inc., c. 2011, ISBN-10: 0-13-705944-2; ISBN-13: 978-0- 13-705944-7







Markets and Market Indicators

Trend Analysis

Chart Pattern Analysis

System Testing and Management



Du Plessis, Jeremy: The Definitive Guide to Point and Figure 2nd Edition, Harriman House LTD, c. 2012, ISBN: 978-0857192-45-5.



Chapter 1: Introduction to Point and Figure Charts
Chapter 2: Characteristics and Construction
Chapter 3: Understanding Patterns and Construction
Chapter 4: Understanding and Using Trend Lines


Elder, Alexander: The New Trading for a Living, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., c. 2014, ISBN: 978-1-118-44392-7



PART 2: Mass Psychology

Chapter 11: What Is Price?
Chapter 12: What Is the Market?
Chapter 13: The Trading Scene
Chapter 14: The Market Crowd and You
Chapter 15: Psychology of Trends
Chapter 16: Managing versus Forecasting

PART 3: Classical Chart Analysis

Chapter 17: Charting
Chapter 18: Support and Resistance
Chapter 19: Trends and Trading Ranges
Chapter 20: Kangaroo Tails

Part 4: Computerized Technical Analysis
Chapter 21: Computers in Trading
Chapter 22: Moving Averages
Chapter 23: Moving Average Convergence-Divergence
Chapter 24: The Directional System
Chapter 25: Oscillators
Chapter 26: Stochastic
Chapter 27: Relative Strength Index

Part 5: Volume and Time
Chapter 28: Volume
Chapter 29: Volume-Based Indicators
Chapter 30: Force Index
Chapter 31: Open Interest



Gorman, Wayne and Kennedy, Jeffrey: Visual Guide to Elliot Wave Trading, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., c. 2013, ISBN: 978-1-118-44560-0



PART 1: Trade Setups
Chapter 1: The Anatomy of Elliott Wave Trading
Appendix A: Introduction to the Wave Principle, by Wayne Gorman


Burton, Edwin T and Shah, Sunit N.: Behavioral Finance, Understanding the Social, Cognitive, and Economic Debates, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., c. 2013, ISBN: 978-1-118-30019-0



Part One: Introduction to Behavioral Finance
Chapter 1: What Is the Efficient Market Hypothesis?
Chapter 2: The EMH and the “Market Model”
Chapter 3: The Forerunners to Behavioral Finance

Part Two: Noise Traders
Chapter 4: Noise Traders and the Law of One Price
Chapter 7: Noise Traders as Technical Traders


Davis, Ned: Being Right or Making Money, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., c. 2014, ISBN: 978-1-118-99206-7



Chapter 1: Being Right or Making Money
Chapter 2: The Model-Building Process
Chapter 3: A Stock Market Model
Chapter 4: A Simple Model for Bonds
Chapter 5: Potential Bear Market in 2014; Bearish Secular Residue and Then Buying Opportunity


Levy, Robert A.: (White Paper) Relative Strength as a Criterion for Investment Selection, Wiley, Inc., Journal of Finance, Volume 22, Issue 4 (December 1967). Pages: 595-610

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